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Showing 11–12 of 12 results

SearchLight™ DNA

S11068 - SearchLight DNA Histology Add-On
S10058 - SearchLight DNA Cytology Add-On
12-17 days
Fine-Needle Aspirate (FNA) Samples:

FNA Slides - ≥2 unstained or stained slides + 1 Diffquick
FNA Liquid - ≥0.5 mL in sterile vial/tube with no additives

Biopsy Samples:

Formalin-Fixed, Paraffin-Embedded (“FFPE”) Scrolls – 10 x 10- micron sections with 1 adjacent hematoxylin and eosin (“H&E”) slide
Unstained FFPE Slides – 10 x 10-micron sections with 1 adjacent H&E slide

Bony Tumor – Non-decalcified sample
S11068 - SearchLight DNA Histology Add-On

S10058 - SearchLight DNA Cytology Add-On

SearchLight™ DNA is an add-on test to any biopsy or cytology where cancer is suspected or diagnosed. This test provides precision diagnostic, prognostic, and therapeutic guidance for multiple types of cancers. To order SearchLight DNA, please contact customer service.

This canine cancer genomic panel identifies mutations in 120 relevant cancer genes and provides insights into cancer’s origin, behavior, and the optimal approach for treatment.

Report includes:
o Information about mutations in 120 cancer genes including diagnostic, prognostic, and therapeutic biomarker associations with supporting evidence from peer-reviewed literature, clinical consensus, and inference from human FDA guidance.
o Pharmacogenomic marker (MDR1) mutation status.
o A list of targeted therapeutic drug(s) if the patient’s tumor mutations are a match for an existing drug.
o Information on clinical trials by tumor type curated from public databases and individual academic centers by Vidium Animal Health.

Note: SearchLight DNA can only be added to a biopsy or cytology performed at Antech where neoplasia has been diagnosed or suspected.

Transtracheal Wash Cytology

2-4 days
Lavender top with fluid, red top with fluid, air-dried unstained slides
Body fluid or air-dried slides

AGR 015 Test Request Form

Companion Animal Form

Water Test Request Form

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